The Music Ministry at Grace offers many opportunities to share your gifts in worship. For adults and youth, the Praise Band leads worship at the 9:00am Contemporary service, while the Chancel Choir leads worship at the 11:00am Traditional service. We have a newly-formed Intergenerational Handbell Choir, Bells of Grace, which plays in Traditional worship. The GraceFull Singers is a Music & Drama group for youth and children in 1st - 8th grades. They do two musicals a year (December and April). The Cantata Choir (made up of the Chancel Choir plus other singers who join seasonally) does a Christmas cantata and a Good Friday cantata, accompanied by chamber orchestra.
If you are interested in singing in the Chancel Choir or GraceFull Singers, or ringing with the Handbell Choir, please contact Director of Music, Gianna Gimenez at giannagimenez@graceumchsv.org or 256-288-6782.
If you are interested in auditioning for the Praise Band, please contact Praise & Worship Leader, Joey Taylor, at joeytaylor@graceumchsv.org.